It's common knowledge that it is very difficult to get a GP appointment. Demand for GP services have risen sharply but there are simply not enough for a growing population.
Put an end to the waiting and get a GP appointment without fighting for a space in the telephone queue!
With GP Health Direct you get unlimited access to GP appointments via telephone or video call.
Appointments are usually available same day, and are available early mornings and late in the evening. Our GPs can issue prescriptions so you can obtain medication as quickly as possible, saving you waiting in pain or agony.
Getting medication can be difficult for many people. Lots of those will rely on family members, friends or other people they know to help them pick it up.
Not everybody has that network and so we wanted to something about that.
With GP Health Direct, you can get your prescriptions delivered to your door, so you don't have to make a difficult journey out of the house, or call on a loved one to help you.